Where is the common stock in Upbound Group, Inc. traded, and what is the stock ticker symbol?
The common stock in Upbound Group, Inc. is traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market and the ticker symbol is UPBD.
Does Upbound Group, Inc. have a Direct Stock Purchase Plan?
No, Upbound Group, Inc. does not currently offer a Direct Stock Purchase Plan. If you would like to purchase shares of Upbound Group, Inc., please contact your broker.
Does Upbound Group, Inc. pay a dividend?

Yes, the next quarterly dividend of $0.31 per share is expected to be paid on April 22nd, 2021 to the company’s common stockholders of record as of the close of business on April 6th, 2021. On July 26, 2010, Upbound Group, Inc.’s Board of Directors declared the first dividend for the company’s shareholders in the amount of $0.06 per share.

Declaration Date Ex-Dividend Date Record Date Payment Date Amount Per Share
07/26/10 08/10/10 08/12/10 08/26/10 $0.06
10/25/10 11/03/10 11/05/10 11/23/10 $0.06
12/20/10 01/03/11 01/05/11 01/26/11 $0.06
03/22/11 04/04/11 04/06/11 04/27/11 $0.06
05/12/11 06/29/11 07/01/11 07/20/11 $0.16
09/28/11 10/08/11 10/10/11 10/26/11 $0.16
12/15/11 01/02/12 01/04/12 01/25/12 $0.16
03/08/12 04/02/12 04/04/12 04/25/12 $0.16
05/10/12 06/30/12 07/02/12 07/25/12 $0.16
09/10/12 09/29/12 10/01/12 10/24/12 $0.16
12/17/12 01/01/13 01/03/13 01/24/13 $0.21
03/07/13 04/02/13 04/04/13 04/25/13 $0.21
05/09/13 06/30/13 07/02/13 07/25/13 $0.21
09/09/13 09/29/13 10/01/13 10/24/13 $0.21
12/12/13 01/01/14 01/03/14 01/23/14 $0.23
03/06/14 04/01/14 04/03/14 04/24/14 $0.23
05/08/14 06/30/14 07/02/14 07/24/14 $0.23
09/08/14 09/30/14 10/02/14 10/23/14 $0.23
12/11/14 12/31/14 01/02/15 01/22/15 $0.24
03/05/15 03/31/15 04/02/15 04/23/15 $0.24
06/04/15 06/30/15 07/02/15 07/23/15 $0.24
09/08/15 09/29/15 10/01/15 10/22/15 $0.24
12/10/15 01/02/16 01/04/16 01/21/16 $0.24
02/01/16 04/02/16 04/04/16 04/21/16 $0.08
06/02/16 07/03/16 07/05/16 07/21/16 $0.08
09/08/16 10/01/16 10/03/16 10/20/16 $0.08
12/08/16 01/03/17 01/05/17 01/26/17 $0.08
03/02/17 03/30/17 04/03/17 04/20/17 $0.08
06/07/17 06/29/17 07/03/17 07/20/17 $0.08
09/05/19 09/20/19 09/23/19 10/09/19 $0.25
12/05/19 01/03/20 01/06/20 01/29/20 $0.29
05/05/20 05/15/20 05/18/20 06/01/20 $0.29
06/26/20 07/09/20 07/10/20 07/28/20 $0.29
09/23/20 10/06/20 10/07/20 07/26/20 $0.29
12/02/20 12/14/20 12/15/20 01/12/21 $0.31
03/24/21 04/05/21 04/06/21 04/22/21 $0.31
What do “record date”, “ex-dividend date” and “payment date” mean?
Record Date: When a dividend is declared, the Company’s Board of Directors sets the “record date” for that dividend. You must be a “stockholder of record” (on the Company’s books) as of the “record date” in order to receive the dividend.

Ex-Dividend Date: “Ex-dividend” is a financial expression meaning without dividend. In order to be a “stockholder of record” who is entitled to receive the dividend, you must purchase shares before the ex-dividend date. The ex-dividend date is typically two business days before the record date. If you purchase stock on the ex-dividend date or after, you will not receive the next dividend payment. If you purchase before the ex-dividend date, you will receive the dividend.

Payment Date: The “payment date” is the date the dividend is paid to the Company’s “stockholders of record”.
What is the fiscal year for Upbound Group, Inc.?
The fiscal year for Upbound Group, Inc. starts January 1st and ends December 31st.
When and where was Upbound Group, Inc. incorporated?
Upbound Group, Inc. was incorporated as a Delaware corporation on September 16, 1986.
How many employees does Upbound Group, Inc. have?
As of December 31, 2022, we had approximately 12,700 employees.
Where is Upbound Group, Inc. located?
The Upbound Group, Inc. headquarters are located at:

5501 Headquarters Drive
Plano,TX 75024
Who are the independent auditors for Upbound Group, Inc.?
Ernst & Young, LLP
One Victory Park
Suite 2000
2323 Victory Avenue
Dallas, TX 75219
Who is Upbound Group, Inc.’s outside legal counsel?
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
1888 Century Park East, 21st Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Who is the transfer agent for Upbound Group, Inc.?
Transfer Agent and Registrar
P.O. BOX 30170
College Station, TX 77842-3170

Overnight correspondence should be sent to:
211 Quality Circle, Suite 210
College Station, TX 77845

Shareholder Toll Free: (877) 264-3797
Foreign shareowners: (201) 680-6578

Shareholder website

Shareholder online inquiries
What is the CUSIP number for Upbound Group, Inc.?
Upbound Group, Inc. common stock 76009N100.
How often has Upbound Group, Inc.’s stock split?
The company was known as Renters Choice, Inc. from December 1993 until December 31, 1998, and Rent-A-Center name, Inc., from January 1999 until February 22, 2023, when the Upbound Group name change became effective. There was a:
  • Initial public offering of the common stock effected on February 1, 1995 under Renters Choice
  • 3-for-2 stock split of the common stock effected on June 20, 1995 under Renters Choice
  • 2-for-1 stock split of the common stock effected on October 9, 1995 under Renters Choice
  • 5-for-2 stock split of the common stock effected on September 2, 2003 under Rent-A-Center
Who can I contact about specific investor relation’s issues?
If you are unable to find the desired information about Upbound Group, Inc. on this web site, you can forward your issues and/or concerns to,

Upbound Group, Inc.
Investor Relations
5501 Headquarters Drive
Plano, Texas 75024

Or email: Investor.relations@rentacenter.com